Sunday, February 13, 2022

Alligator taking a snooze


copyright 2022 Colette, The Aging Female Baby Boomer.  Do not use without permission


  1. The alligator is smiling. No crododile tears for that alligator. Maybe I will try to draw that alligator with my left hand. Would you be okay with that?

    Did your kids grow up with Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile? I have a Lyle that I thought for years was a T. Rex. I bought it in a hospital gift shop. Something about a T. Rex smiling made me laugh out loud. Maybe T. Rex's weren't as fierce as Jurassic Park would have us think. Maybe they were laughing. I know that people dressed in T. Rex suits can make me laugh uncontrollably.

    Thank you so much for this today!

    1. You have my permission to draw any of my photos. Always. And yes, Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile was read.

    2. Thank you! I'll save this photo to draw from.

    3. I meant to celebrate, too, your past ten years of blogging. I'm not sure when I started reading your blog but I'm glad I did.
