Friday, February 15, 2019

Bananas: Feb 15, 2019

copyright 2019 Colette, The Aging Female Baby Boomer.  Do not use without permission


  1. Good to hear from you, Collette! I've been enjoying watching the bananas grow. Just now I counted the ones I can see. One for almost every day in February. An appreciated contrast to the long stretch of snow and ice we've been experiencing in Northwest Washington!

  2. Where is this banana stand? Are they available to you to test and let us know? This could never happen in Ohio.

    1. In my back yard. We planted this banana tree/plant three years ago and this is the first year we have fruit! So exciting. It is taking a long, long time, but gives me joy every morning when I go out to look at it.

  3. Not long now! The leaves are drying up. Harvest time soon.

    1. We know next to nothing about growing bananas, so this has been a fun experience. Seems that an old dog CAN learn new tricks.
